Osteoarthritis of the knee: what is the stage of the symptoms, and to dispel myths about the treatment of

Osteoarthritis of the knee-joint is a condition-of-degenerative-degenerative in nature, affects the bone or the department of the articular cartilage of the knee joint. The disease most commonly affects just the knee, of the department of the lower limbs. The pathological changes in the articular cartilage, and periarticular areas, which in the majority of cases, it develops in the midst of the injuries, the biological aging of the organism, the disturbance of the character of the autoimmune disease, a serious burden on the system, the muscle system of the town's potential in the foot. The joint becomes logopedija, it loses its stability in the normal motor, and the amortization of the band. In the end, it is gradually deformed, and the final stage is completely out of order.

view astroscope at the joint of the knee osteoarthritis of the 3rd grade

The degeneration of the tissues of the joints, manifested not only in the shape of a dysfunction of the lower part of the body, but the strong and painful feelings about them. The severe pathology and the cause of the deficiency, and, in some cases, paralysis of the legs. In connection with this sobering prognosis of the disease is important as early as possible to identify and come to her for treatment.

Important things to know about the disease

The patients also important in the study of the treatment tactics and to familiarise yourself with the following material has all of the information on a mechanism of nucleation and the clinical manifestations of the disease. Once again, we notice that the osteoarthritis and arthritis are closely linked, once considered to be a disease that is a result of the arthritic condition. But where do the ill-fated evil that destroy and injury the most important bone is the connection? What is the degree of severity is, gonarthrosis, and of which the effects can be even recognize it?

The causes of osteoarthritis

Degenerative diseases-degenerative diseases the pathogenesis of "fire" and the following trigger:

The fulness is the cause of the arthritis
  • once you have transferred the injuries – fractures of the tibia, injuries to the knee, injury to the body of the meniscus, tears, and ruptures of supporting ligaments, falling to his knees, and all types of wounds;
  • in excess of physical activity;
  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • a high body mass index (bmi;
  • the system of the pathology of rheumatoid, gouty, psoriatic type, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic;
  • a genetically inherited weakness, ligament, muscle, or inherent to the development of the structural elements of the hinge;
  • disorders of the metabolism and of the circulation of the blood.
  • hormonal failure, with diabetes and other pathology of the endocrine;
  • transferred to, or to a chronic infectious-inflammatory diseases.

Often times, people have become guilty, in order to be developed, difficult to deal with joint disease. Many times, when you get an injury and they ignore it, contact a professional, preferring to do the first one that is available in a mixture of pain, home accessories, and so on and so forth. After a couple of years ago because of made in the past, the poor treatment they've been to the doctor with a gonarthrosisom, in the best case, the center-of-gravity. And here is a natural, prevention, and analgesic ointments, such as at the beginning of the course, you will not be able to take action, often radically, by applying the tactics of surgical.

The process of destruction

In orthopaedics, this disease is divided into the initial phase, and that, in the future, and it is the expert when drawing up treatment plans. To the extent, the nature, the location, the nature of the source of the destruction of the bone marrow to the knee, have been identified through a range of activities, from diagnosis, such as x-ray, mri, ct-scan, ultra-sonography, there are different types of blood and urine samples from the patient.

The quality of the treatment, and it can be deployed, such as the state of the knee joint, as well as the characteristics of the body of the patient, as well as a visit to the doctor and get him to appropriate therapy are recommended. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of life, and don't ignore to visit an experienced, one is able to tell you if you can make qualified, a conservative, or even if the problem is only with the intervention.

Pathology has a number of stages from the development on the grade of the Kellgren-only four of them. All of them are on the severity of the morphological changes (presence of bone spurs by reducing the volume of the articular cartilage and the degree of thinning, narrowing of the joint cleft, and the STATE.) and clinical evidence (limitations in flexion/extension, and the index of the carrying capacity, and the nature and severity of the pain, and the Dr).

  • Osteoarthritis of the first stage of disease is that it is only the beginning. External symptoms of mild or absent, agreement, and forms of articulation are satisfactory. In the x-ray and / or a photo of the magnetic resonance can be observed a small out of the bone spurs at the edges of the articular surfaces, and in podsolennom the department of obscure SubhanDrsocial osteosclerosis, the smaller the sizes of the cysts is the bone. Joint slot generally normal or unchanged, but not essential.
  • When the disease is in the second grade, in addition to the above-mentioned indicators, osteosclerotic pen is more pronounced, it can be seen clearly in the narrowing of the interarticular slot. The patient will start out the strongest, and the most disturbing pain at the time of the journey, the descent/ascent of the stair, it is our duty to stand up, sometimes in the evening. Develops, yielding, and movements on the common to get worse, especially during the pushup.
  • The third stage is characterized by a sharp progression to the irreversible, deterioration, and deformation. The configuration of the joint is visibly distorted, the distance between the articular surfaces is greatly reduced, bone tumours, in the form of peaks in the large size. The pain becomes long and sharp, and the alarm of the man, even in a state of rest, lameness worsened. You get the dependency from the holder of the device, and for help.
  • The fourth step in the process and degenerative diseases-degenerative diseases pathogenesis, when they are present in large osteopenia and expansion, and hyaline cartilage has been completely destroyed, the joint slit and disappears, or is poorly drawn, the epiphyses matching the bones that comprise the joint, the strongest in the way that the distorted. The joint of the knee, and is recognised as completely unsustainable body system, musculo-skeletal system, the human being is unable to work.

The symptoms and complaints

The severity of clinical manifestations depends not only on the pathological characteristics, but also personality factors. In any case, it's quite nice, gonarthrosis, it is very difficult, and in the 2nd, and 3-4 in Ot. for A list of symptoms, which include:

the image of the surface of the knee joint
  • the pain that is caused, mainly, of a mechanical type (dull, aching, acute, sudden, periodic, and continuous);
  • the appearance of cracks throughout the motion;
  • the stiffness of the joint;
  • the limitation of range of motion;
  • weakness of the muscle of the limb;
  • a heat stroke the skin of the complexion, and swelling in the area of the knee joint;
  • the shift, which is manifested by claudication in and cut the feet.
  • the instability, or is the syndrome of the "cash drawer";
  • "the wedge" in the knee, which occurs when a sudden blockage of the movement of the cord connector.

Important! The conservative treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee do not work, and if the disease is complicated with the current, which could happen in the worst case, in the second phase of the development of bone and cartilage degradation. As opposed to the traditional conservative therapy and the alternative techniques, they all, without exception, be in the running for the serious gonarthrosis 2-3-4 level and the only way the long service life to help improve the quality of life.

Conservative treatment

Bezoperatsionnye methods of treatment that are appropriate during the start-up of the deformed from the arthritis. The principle of the non-surgical treatment include:

  • the procedures for the implementation of a therapy exercise that has been developed by a professional individually, and
  • the implementation of physical therapy treatment;
  • the application of pain medications in the form of creams, tablets, injections, PR.;
  • with the proper nutrition and to follow a special diet, as proposed by the physician;
  • the enforcement of a particular mode of daily physical activity;
  • a complete elimination of the bad ones.
  • the diaboPRkokonoe step-by-step, the re-use of the diagnostic test;
  • an annual visit to a specialized health spa.

The operation when the osteoarthritis of the knee


Now, if you be familiar with surgical ways, which most often occurs in the need for a turn into the initial phase of the disease is often concealed. Basically, you have to read it in full "bloom", which is implemented on held joints of the structure, and played the OkolowStavnue the field.

  • There help is more than 95% of the cases, as much as possible, to restore the lost data, the musculoskeletal system and the function of the knee joint in the department of the lower limb. Easy to operate, and after that it must be tough to rehab, but the result is worth the effort. After approximately 3 months after the installation of the artificial similar, at the time of christmas, the joint has undergone an irreversible process to the pathological changes, back to a full range of motion of the foot, the fully lifted out of the pain that is caused.
  • Introduzione – this is a procedure to "track" the joint, due to its aggressive action on the biological structures, but at the time, she has no place to be, for example, if a person does not have the capacity to go locations. Its essence is the removal of the articular surfaces and the immovable connection to the mating bone between them to the special location of the device is in an advantageous position. With the time there is a natural merging of my of my items that are listed. Artificial ankylosis locks up completely for the mobility of the joint, but it allows you to reach a good oporosposobnostiSte states, and reduce the pain.
  • NoStEOTomeEu of the knee joint is used in extreme conditions, for the same reason, the arthrodesis, in particular, when it is necessary to delay joint replacement for a number of years. At the time of the transactions of the session of the expert carries out the artificial increase podpilivaya the bones and place them in at an angle, so that it's more advantageous to distribute the load on the elements of the cartilaginous skeleton.
your doctor about arthritis

Physical and / or irreversible pathogenesis does not already fix this problem, you need to understand that. Creams and even prescription medications from a variety of chondroPRTaktarov, to say nothing of the grandmother's advice to be treated, the gelatine was dissolved, and the role of the special, it also will not play. The most that they can to help in the running of the state, then, is to prepare for the osteo-muscular apparatus for the next operation.

Modern knee implants are able to withstand the normal, day-to-day charge of this great and running for at least 15 years, and a lot of the times, and a minimum of 20 to 25 years of age. The person may even be replaced and the articulation of the practice of some sports.

The treatment for 3rd degree

In the phase 3 osteoarthritis cause in the operation. The changes in the joint are strongly expressed at this stage of the disease, it is extremely reduce the standard of living and the health of the patient. Bone or cartilage damage have reached a critical point, at which the tissue of the spinal cord binding of no functional importance they do not represent. Hyaline cover was destroyed almost completely absorbed.

  • Important to cartilage and not to the present one, per se, including the use of methods of non-surgical.
  • With no protection and a flat surface interfacing ends of the bone has an unnatural pressure to the other, constantly rubbing between them, and seriously harm the nearby tissues, and each and every day, deformed and even more.
  • The person feels excruciating pain, not to mention lost the ability to walk properly. Patients experience day-to-day meal, and when you sleep and not in the joy, and the diameter of the pain, there is no peace. A relatively tolerant state, point only to the units for the people.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesic drugs, as a rule, you have to take action, but most of it is not "work". In the chondroprotectors it does not make sense, because of the strength and nutrition to the miserable remains of the articular cartilage, it does not save the situation.
view astroscope fully healthy surfaces

The consequences of arthrosis of 2-3 degree, at times, try explaining and talking points that are minimally-invasive operation (arthroscopy), in which case you can remove the border of the bone spurs, as well as an extract from the detached bone or cartilage fragments in the cavity of the joint. Such a manipulation, as can be seen in the comments, some make it easy, the condition of the patient, and a little better mobility in the office, but only temporarily. Osteoarthritis in the knee joint and remains in effect, and in the near future, once again be revealed.

The pathogenesis of 3-4 as this is an extremely serious problem, to solve what is really only the most complex reconstructive plastic and the operational art. Today, there is no such procedure, and that it could be compared to there. The replacement of a knee joint prosthesis, is fully expressed in game mechanics, features, and configuration of all shapes and sizes, which is natural to the body, giving you a chance to say good-bye as the ill-fated disease and disability, that you are the one "has been given".

The disease progresses rapidly, and is capable of walking moderate in the middle stage of up to 4 degrees in a matter of months. The surgery is done you want to as soon as possible, until the degenerative processes did not spread deep into the bone. Heavily damaged, the bones that can lead to difficulties with the production of the device.

Many, not realizing the gravity of lived through world unparalleled, due to the conservative tactics are not conventional, they try all ways to work around the operation by means of the depressed property, in applying the bandage to the patient area. Anyone who accesses the osteopathy, private doctors, and the practice of all kinds of alternate techniques. Unfortunately, it is against the nature of does not come from the cure, and after they come, and this one has to be humble. So, you can fold without a sense of the enterprise act prudently.

the damaged part of the joint

Its physical consistency is entirely dependent on your decision! You can be the life you continue to suffer from stiffness and pain, all in vain, trying to "empty" forms of treatment, medications, and new tools, which do not have strong evidence of efficacy when the severity of the disease. And you can go through the surgical treatment, and you get to live a full life, free from the old ways of suffering and the support of the device.

Have to worry about it, if the intervention does not have, and modern technology stepped forward, and now the outside is brightly colored changes in the joints of the knee, a durable implant. After a deployment, which are sold at a very good clinic, the risk of complications is low (1-2 %), and the recovery of motor function occurs in more than 95 % of the time. After the replacement of the joint, followed by a course of rehabilitation in the first 3-4 months, it's signed:

  • the restoration of the physical, through the special medical gymnastics;
  • the purchase of medications (antibiotic, antithrombotic tools, and PR.);
  • the program in physical therapy, including the myostimulating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and wound-healing procedure;
  • sessions of massage (in later stages of rehabilitation).

It is very useful to know! 1 the degree of the disease, you can to stop and prevent hunger. If you do not take action and begin to osteoarthritis of the knee, giving him a pass on the 1-to-2 level, the drug treatment is going to be a lot PRobligationes, but for a certain category of patients, it is still relevant to the non-surgical approach. The last two phases are always in operation.

Treatment of the 2-level

When gonarthrosis of the severity of moderate-to-quality-of-life, is already quite spoiled. The patient a knee that bothers you the most is strong, the painful syndrome is more often and stronger than it was at the beginning of the disease. Especially, he expresses the pain immediately after the time of the morning, when you wake up, during the ascent and descent of stairs. Many times, you have the unpleasant sensation of numbness, which can be seen after a long walk, and it's a long, long time to stay in one position. The bending of the knee, the field is reduced, and the patient is not able to bend my leg, as the demands on the physiology. The person gets to save one of his legs, trying almost not to step on it, it's a gradual wasting of the muscles.

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Traction please, note that the treatment mean being qualified as an integrated approach.

  • If the doctor does not see an urgent need for the surgery, the key is assigned to the reduction of the workload for the department. If you are overweight, in order to ensure a good discharge of the victim of the osteoarthritis joint, be sure to adjust the weight of the body, and to adhere to a diet, what do you recommend for the doctor.
  • All of the patients are prescribed the use of orthotic devices, in a moment of movement. So, depending on the issue, they may be the knees and zips from the loop to the compression, elastic bands, and hats, canes, crutches, and a walker.
  • In addition, orthopaedic surgeon-trauma to give a sort of set of exercises that will help strengthen and increase the resistance of the muscle of the affected limb.
  • Also, win, moderately, average, and manifestation implies the use of drugs, including substances that are present in the tissues of the articular cartilage of the knee joint. These include the formulation of the basis of chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronan injections, medicines with glucosamine. They do not restore the cartilage, but the saturation of their component nutrients so that it can achieve a remission of the disease.
  • Are the best practices and procedures for the treatment of a physical therapist, however, you have to apply them only after the disappearance of all signs of inflammation. The physical session, for example, a laser, a magnet, or an ultra-sound done, should be in the hospital. Thanks to physical therapy improves the nutrition and metabolism of the bone, muscle, cartilage and tissue. If you bought a vibroacoustic device for use in the home, the first to ask a specialist about the possibility of its application in the diagnosis and the characteristics of the operation of the device.

We've covered the main principles on which is based the official treatment of osteoarthritis in accordance with the standards of orthopedic. As well as a lot of people with osteoarthritis 2.St St. very interested in alternative methods to search in them for the salvation of their own souls, we suggest that you meet with the most popular among them. And to find out that both of them are unique, such as giving it to us on the internet.

Stem cells, so explaining and talking points of the knee joint

Using stem cells to treat knee

This is autotransplantation mesenchymally-of-stem-cells of the patient with gonarthrosis, knee, developed in accordance with the crest of the pelvis, or the thigh. The stem cell therapy, according to the concerned sources, allowing you to reach, with a little bit of self-renewal only of the joint, through the activation of regenerative processes of healing in the one thread. Thanks to this technology, in theory, it is possible to obtain improvements of the components in units of bone or cartilage in the body. However, in practice, there is not a single "live" fluoroscopy of the test, which has confirmed that, after the implantation of the stem cells, in a striking place on your joint have become healthy.

The positive impact of the stem into the joints and the bones, are not proven and it is under a big question, because this is a technique in orthopedics is still not recognized. The scientists will only study it and try it. In addition, there is information about the safe from the influence of the human body using stem cells, which, in accordance with a highly competent professional, able to cause cancer. And how about all those people who have paid for the procedure, and if they were satisfied with the outcome? Here, it can only mean one thing: lots and lots of patients believe that, for the money, and to you the eternal life, however, the placebo effect, shall be valid for a long time, do not forget about that as well.

The treatment of the sludge

The healing mud sources which contain exclusive ingredients (manganese, chrome rails, a complement to the rails complement each other, and iodine, bromine, nitrate, calcium, and PR.), to contribute to the reduction of the symptoms of pain and increasing the the flow of blood to the sick areas, the stimulation of the body's metabolism. The greater the value it represents for people with a mild stage of the disease, or in patients who have already had a surgery on his leg. To carry out the mud therapy, it is allowed to do, and in the 2nd grade, and if the doctor believes that it is a natural remedy used in combination with the core of the treatment program will be to reduce the aggressiveness of the phenomena and pathological (stop the progression), and to improve the condition of the. Mud therapy is practised in the medical and special educational resort for the well-being of any kind. The Natural healing of the contamination on the basis of peloids is applied in the form of applications, and in conjunction with the method of galvanization (electrophoresis).

The use of gelatin.

The jelly is a good dietary supplement to keep your joints healthy

Natural gelatin is a tool that allows you to maintain the joint structure is in a good state of repair. Jelly of substrate, diluted in water, it is recommended that you use for the inside. According to the opinions of a few doctors in the pipe the faster and more efficient will work in the bone, cartilage, and lesions of muscular-ligamentous elements. Experts point out that this method does not have transport and public transport as well as medicinal properties, it only contributes to the prevention of osteoarthritis. So, when you have carried out on the pathogenesis relationalities where the absence of the disease or, in early stages, can be seen as a means of preventing the onset or progression of degenerative diseases-deStROFeo resultadoex changes. When the disease is in the middle, and the heavy nature of this approach in terms of prevention, it doesn't fit.

Ayurveda for joint health

It is the modern alternative medicine is well-known for the many unique trends, including the treatment of Ayurveda from different parts of the musculoskeletal system. According to the informal, down-stream, with the defeat of the joint joins in from the excess of toxins that are trapped in the body due to disharmony of energy. Harmful than a mechanism that made a balance-of-power - (of Cotton), which is fundamental also contributed to the weakening of Agni or fire of digestion, which led to a build-up in the gut undigested remains of the food (the Lady). They release toxins, which are transported by the blood to the joint, where the substances are placed, and put the process of the body's metabolism.

Ayurveda osteoarthritis is classified into several types, and each kind of invented their own system of treatment on the basis of each and every one of them to make up, diet, herbal medicine, receiving ayurvedic treatments, pills, and powders, yoga, and gymnastics, breathing is not a conventional massage, and self-training, healing, and t. d. Certainly, all of this sounds good, but if it is the arthritis, it is not possible to roll back even the most high-tech, it is possible to believe that the herbs in powder form, the processing of thoughts, and other tricks of Ayurveda nourish the deformation is irreversible?!

Salt marshes occur

The salt that is used for the preparation of the saturated salt solution used for the impregnation and the compression, which is applied to the patient in order to your site for a couple of hours. This treatment should not be taken as a stand-alone tool, and as a cure-all for gonartrosa. The salt that is able to soothe the temporary pain relieve the swelling of the soft tissues covering the bone, is the design, without harming the biological structures. But it will not cure the disease, and it is not going to put it at the foot of a patient. Its action is purely symptomatic. A solution is prepared from the calculation: 1 l of ambient temperature water, that is the day of his retirement, and 100 g / l of salt.

It's worth a read! Sometimes it is the salt that is used in the dry and warm as you can fit in your purse, and run to the local PRogreanee of the knee joint. Sometimes, as in the wet, but the warm dressing. The hot procedures, dangerous suppurative-inflammatory processes in the joint cavity of that, they will only worsen the condition of the. For this reason, it is not the use of these revenues, it is not to make sure that she followed the same process.